Τετάρτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2024

KNIGHTS OF HELIOPOLIS release “The Planeswalkers” EP


The Knights of Heliopolis, a band known for their "Rolist Symphonic Metal," has released a new EP consisting of five singles. Unlike their usual style, these singles serve as side stories within the Helioverse, featuring the knights as "planeswalkers" who can traverse different worlds and dimensions. The narratives don't follow the main storyline of their previous works but instead focus on chasing the malevolent Beast across universes inspired by famous video games.

The EP pays homage to beloved video games such as Elden Ring, Warhammer 40K, Final Fantasy VII, and a YouTube channel called La Bonne Auberge, known for its Role Playing Game content. The band collaborates with La Bonne Auberge on a song related to their lore, emphasizing their shared 'Rolist Symphonic Metal' identity. Musically, the EP explores modern symphonic and Power Metal, aligning with the diverse universes they draw inspiration from. Each single adopts a unique approach, ranging from a progressive sound in 'The Planeswalkers' to an epic, bombastic feel in 'In The Shadow Of The Erdtree' and even an Industrial Metal style in 'Adeptus Astartes.'

Despite the varied musical exploration, the EP retains the signature elements of the Knights of Heliopolis, including Axel's deep bass voice, heavy riffing, epic orchestrations, thunderous bass, and impactful drums. Overall, the band aims to immerse listeners in a new adventure within the multiverse while paying tribute to the video game worlds that inspire their music.

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