Τρίτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2020



Genre: Heavy Metal

Country: Germany

Questions by: Nick Parastatidis

Answers by: Jack the Riffer (rhythm guitars)

Site: Homepage

1) Hello. How are the things on GENERATION STEEL camp at the moment?

Jack: Hello Nick and thanks lot for this interview. We are doing fine, everyone is healthy and we are very happy to release our debut album in January!

2) On January 2021 your debut album entitled “The Eagle Will Rise” will be released. How do you feel about it? Which are your expectations from it?

Our strategy was to use the pandemic crisis and to be ready when it ends. We hope that this will come true in spring 2021 and it will be possible to perform it live.

3) When the idea of forming GENERATION STEEL was born? Which were the biggest problems that you had to overcome in order to realize it?

I always had the dream to build up an ambitious metal band, to get a label deal and release albums with my personal favorite metal-style. Further projects ended for a variety of reasons – personal changes of some band members or lack of dynamic in the band development. In 2019 I started searching the right persons for GENERATION STEEL.

4) By the way did you have from the start a clear vision of what did you want to play as a band? How do you describe your sound?

Just Teutonic powerful metal!

5) I see that the band members have a previous experience with other musical groups. Can you present us the band members and their previous groups (at least the most important ones)?

Let me answer in this way: Each single band member was selected because of his personality, metal-style and attitude which go in an ambitious alignment. Previous band engagements were not important.

6) Pretty straight forward the band name. How did you come up with it and what message do you want to pass through with the name to your audience?

The established Steel-Metal Bands are getting older, some doesn`t exist anymore. We want to beware the tradition of steel-metal and to continue this generation and style. And it means that all metal fans are the GENERATION STEEL – from the youngest to the oldest. Connectin element is the feeling and power of metal.

7) The title of your debut album can be interpreted as a reference to the German metal scene? I say that because the band plays this kind of metal and you are from Germany too. If not, how did you choose it and what it means to you?

The album title has multiple meanings:
- The debut of the band GENERATION STEEL feels like an eagle who starts his attack.
- The inner rise of emotions of erveryone. To stand up again after disappointments or failure and do not give up!
- The hope for a better life after pandemics, political wrong decisions or wrong responsable persons.

8) Let’s talk about the lyrics. How important are to you and what kind of themes inspire you to write about?

The themes are given by news in internet or TV, actual socially development and so on. It is important to us that the texts can be interpreted in a variety of ways and that everyone can extract their individual interpretation.

9) Is there a certain method that you follow when you create your music? Do you write first the music and then the lyrics or vice versa?

Mostly I develop a cool riff which defines the direction, tempo and rhythm of the song. Our vocalist is experienced in this working mode and able to develop vocal lines and lyrics on music.

10) How did press have received your music? Can you tell us which is the best comment that you have received so far and which one the most bizarre?

Some reviews and interviews have been released. The most will come within the next two months I think.

Best comment? Maybe this: Try to beat Germans Metal Bands! They are the best!

11) How all this coronavirus pandemic has affected you both as person and as musician?

Due to the fact that I am a positive thinking person I assume that things will change in better circumstances again. In which expression we will see. I personally enjoy the seclusion and slowing down resulting from the pandemic. It gave me the opportunity to concentrate on that is important – my family, my dogs and working on GENERATION STEEL! 

12) Thanks for your time answering my questions. Please close the interview with your own words. Good luck and hope someday soon to see you for a live show here in Greece.

To all metalheads out there: Stay healthy – stay metal – stay steel!

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