Πέμπτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2024



INSOMNIUM - Anno 1696

Century Media


The release is good overall, but I have some reservations about the vocals, not so much the music. Instead of giving it a 100% rating, I deducted some points because I didn't care for the vocals on this album. They usually serve as a barometer for my assessment of the band. While the intensity is present, enjoying most of it seems to be an acquired taste for me. The screaming is tolerable, but it's slowly growing on me, I suppose. In retrospect, I believe the music is the driving force behind this album. The band showcases their intensity, drawing from influences such as At The Gates and other bands within the melodic death arena.

The recording quality is solid, with no significant complaints, and the more I listen to the vocals, the more I appreciate them in small increments. The vocals and guitars serve as a segue into what is ultimately a solid release. Thus, I find myself acknowledging the album's merits.

The mixing is also well-done, and it's worth noting that they've signed with a major label (Century Media), which has significantly boosted their fame and will likely contribute to the band's success in this genre. While they may not reach the level of quality seen in Arch Enemy's older work, it's important to consider that Arch Enemy has been established in the metal world since 1996. These guys, however, hail from Finland, not Sweden. Nevertheless, they have received positive ratings for this album, and rightfully so. The music truly shines and takes precedence. They also remind me somewhat of Children of Bodom, particularly in the vein of "Hatecrew Death Roll."

I particularly enjoy the melodic guitar and find the lead work to be quite decent. Overall, this album has grown on me from an initial rating of B or C to an A. The experimentation is evident, and the moods conveyed through the guitars are captivatingly wicked. They don't conform entirely to the in-your-face melodic death style; rather, they experiment with various sounds that suit the mood, especially for those heavily invested in melodic death, like myself. This album is undoubtedly one of the top releases of 2023.

If you have the opportunity to listen to a song or two, I highly recommend it to see if the band aligns with your tastes.

So, melodic death enthusiasts or lovers of extreme metal, be sure to check them out!

Ryan “Death8699” Fanucchi

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