Δευτέρα 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023




Zwaertgevegt Records





I'm not an expert in extreme metal, especially black metal, but I understand that it's common for bands in this genre to release split albums. In this case, you're discussing a split release on vinyl set for October 13, 2023, with limited quantities (97 copies on black vinyl and 100 copies on grey vinyl), featuring four Dutch bands: HELLEVAERDER, DUINDWALER, SCHAVOT, and ASGRAUW.

A distinctive aspect of this release is its thematic concept. Each band draws inspiration from Dutch traditions and regional stories, highlighting the cultural richness of the Netherlands. It's worth noting that all the bands use Dutch lyrics, which might be a limitation for those interested in stories inspired by diverse traditions but don't understand the language.

Here's a brief overview of each band:

1. **HELLEVAERDER:** Their sound resembles early Norwegian black metal, creating an atmosphere akin to being trapped in a severe storm with distant, haunting cries. Their music is atmospheric, with a chilling quality.

2. **DUINDWALER:** A solo project by Daan Bleumink, also a member of HELLEVAERDER. Their sound is similar to HELLEVAERDER but leans toward a more intense thrash metal style, reminiscent of MARDUK.

3. **SCHAVOT:** Another project, led by Floris, who is also a member of ASGRAUW. Their sound is influenced by Scandinavian black metal bands like EMPEROR, OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT, ANCIENT, and early DIMMU BORGIR. They combine cold aggression with moments of epic aesthetics.

4. **ASGRAUW:** Similar to the other bands, ASGRAUW draws from Scandinavian black metal but incorporates more aggression with thrash metal influences. Their compositions are marked by darkness and ritualistic elements.

In summary, this release successfully showcases four distinct black metal bands, each interpreting the genre in their unique way while sharing common influences. Fans of these bands should appreciate the diversity, and it also serves as an intriguing introduction to the genre for newcomers.

Nikolaos Parastatidis

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