Τρίτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

REVIEW: MORBID ANGEL, Altars Of Madness (1989)


MORBID ANGEL, Altars Of Madness (1989)

Earache Records

Τί υπήρχε πριν; Τί συνέβη όμως μετά!

Η ανίερη τριάδα Death, Obituary και βέβαια αυτό εδώ το συγκρότημα είναι από τα σημαντικότερα από τη μεγάλη σχολή - σχολείο για το ακραίο είδος που ονομάστηκε Death Metal και τα Morisound Studios με τον Tom Morris επικεφαλής της παραγωγής. Το ντεμπούτο της τετράδας μουσικών David Vincent φωνή & μπάσο,

Trey Azagthoth και  Richard Brunelle κιθάρες, Pete Sandoval ντραμς έβαλαν ένα τεράστιο λιθάρι στο ακόμη εκκολαπτόμενο κύμα του Death Metal με τον δίσκο αυτόν. Πατώντας ήδη στο Thrash απ' τη μια αλλά κυρίως στις πρώτες δουλειές των Possessed, Sepultura και Death απ' την άλλη έγραψαν σκοτεινούς, ακατάληπτους στη μεγάλη μάζα ύμνους με ακραία και throat φωνητικά σαν και τους προαναφερθέντες, αλλά πέρασαν στο επόμενο επίπεδο της μουσικής σφυρηλατόντας το τελικό ηχητικά σχήμα του Death Metal. Immortal Rites, Suffocation, Visions From the Dark Side, Maze Of Torment, Chapel of Ghouls, Damnation, Evil Spells είναι όλο το "ψωμί" του δίσκου.


What existed before? But what happened afterward!

The unholy trio of Death, Obituary, and of course this band here are among the most significant from the great school of extreme music known as Death Metal, alongside the Morisound Studios, with Tom Morris at the helm of production. The debut of this quartet—David Vincent on vocals and bass, Trey Azagthoth and Richard Brunelle on guitars, and Pete Sandoval on drums—laid a colossal stone on the still-emerging wave of Death Metal with this album. Drawing influences from Thrash on one side but mainly from the early works of Possessed, Sepultura, and Death on the other, they composed dark, incomprehensible anthems for the masses, featuring extreme and throat-shredding vocals akin to those aforementioned. However, they transcended to the next level of music, forging the definitive sound of Death Metal. Tracks like "Immortal Rites," "Suffocation," "Visions From the Dark Side," "Maze of Torment," "Chapel of Ghouls," "Damnation," and "Evil Spells" are what make up the essence of the album.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

REVIEW: DARKTHRONE, A Blaze In ThE Northern Sky (1992)


DARKTHRONE, A Blaze In ThE Northern Sky (1992)

Peaceville Records

Ένα ακόμη δεύτερο που είναι πραγματικά το πρώτο.

Έχοντας το πολύ σημαντικό Soulside Journey ντεμπούτο τους οι Νορβηγοί τότε Death Metalers αποφασίζουν να διαβούν τον Ρουβίκωνα ηχητικά την ίδια χρονιά (1991) που κι άλλοι πράττουν ανάλογα στη σκηνή. Οι επικοινωνίες μέσω.... ταχυδρομείου (το ίντερνετ ακόμη θέλει επτά χρόνια να φανεί στον ορίζοντα) με άλλα σχήματα απ'όλη την Ευρώπη, ανάμεσα τους και με τον Magus Wampyre Daoloth (Γιώργο Ζαχαρόπουλο) μπασίστα  τραγουδιστή των Ελλήνων Necromantia και πληκτρά των Rotting Christ κι άλλα συγκροτήματα όπως οι Πορτογάλοι Moonspell, δίνουν το στίγμα ότι το αμερικανικό Death Metal ή και το αντίστοιχο ευρωπαϊκό έχουν γίνει εμπόριο και βορρά τών δισκογραφικών.  Οι επαφές με τους συμπατριώτες τους Mayhem, ήδη βετεράνους στον ακραίο ήχο και ειδικά με τον Euronymous τους πείθει να αλλάξουν μουσικό ύφος. Το δεύτερο Black Metal κίνημα (το πρώτο με Venom,  Bathory, Celtic Frost, Master's Hammer,  Sarcofago κ.α. ανήκει στο Thrash περισσότερο παρά σε ένα ανεξάρτητο είδος, αλλά ας το πάμε με τη πεπατημένη!) είναι γεγονός και αυτό το άλμπουμ με τα έξι κόμματα είναι απ' πρώτα του νέου αυτού ιδιώματος. Σκοτάδι, παραγωγή που θα έλεγες ότι έγινε σε διπλό κασετόφωνο, απόκοσμα αισθήματα και αισθητική και βεβαίως ασπρόμαυρο εξωφύλλο σαν φωτοτυπία που χύθηκε πάνω της όλο το μελάνι του toner με μέλος τους με νεκρικό corpsepaint στο πρόσωπο. Katharian Lifecode, A Blaze in the Northern Sky,  In the Shadow of the Horns, Paragon Belial,  The Pagan Winter είναι τέρμα κλασικά κομμάτια σε αυτό.


One more second that is truly the first.

Having released their very important debut, "Soulside Journey," the Norwegian death metal band then decided to cross the Rubicon sonically in the same year (1991) that others were doing likewise in the scene. Communications via... mail (the internet still had seven years to surface on the horizon) with other bands across Europe, including Magus Wampyre Daoloth (Giorgos Zacharopoulos), bassist and vocalist of the Greek band Necromantia and keyboardist for Rotting Christ, as well as with other groups such as the Portuguese Moonspell, indicated that American death metal and its European counterpart had become commercial and were in high demand from record labels. Contacts with their compatriots Mayhem, already veterans of the extreme sound, particularly with Euronymous, convinced them to change their musical style.

The second wave of black metal (the first, featuring Venom, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Master's Hammer, Sarcofago, etc., leans more towards thrash rather than being an independent genre, but let's stick to the conventional!) is now a reality, and this album, with its six tracks, is one of the first of this new genre. Darkness, production that one might say was made on a double cassette deck, otherworldly feelings and aesthetics, and of course, a black-and-white cover like a photocopy drenched in toner ink, featuring a member with corpse paint on his face. Tracks like "Katharian Lifecode," "A Blaze in the Northern Sky," "In the Shadow of the Horns," "Paragon Belial," and "The Pagan Winter" are truly classic pieces in this genre.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

Δευτέρα 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

PARAXENIA released new single


Italian one-man band Paraxenia has released a new single titled "Searching for Answers," showcasing their unique blend of Atmospheric Gothic and Progressive Metal. The track was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Jerico Biagiotti in his home studio. Paraxenia, the brainchild of a multi-instrumentalist, draws from a deep connection with his muse to fuse the raw power of metal with the complexity of prog rock. Influenced by both classic progressive rock and modern metal, the project highlights the versatility and creative potential of progressive metal.

ORRA – New Lyric Video "At The Edge Of The World" From The Album "Glimmer Of Hope" Released!


The new lyric video "At The Edge Of The World" by ORRA has just been released! ORRA is back with the release of their first lyric video from the upcoming album "Glimmer Of Hope." This lyric video showcases the song "At The Edge Of The World," which is one of those tracks that is closely tied to the album's launch.

The video was created by John Kaimakamis and theNightwatchers, alongside Graphistic Art, managed by Jim Tsoutsas and John Kaimakamis.

PIRANHA - Lyric Video "Eternal Night" from the album "Arise from the Shadows"


You fall asleep... Everything feels ordinary... But the next day holds an unpleasant surprise... The sun is gone... People are transforming into terrifying creatures... No one is safe... Not even you!!!!!

Evil, pain, and terror have filled the atmosphere to the brim!!!!

The end is here!!!!!!

Διπλή παρουσίαση δίσκου από τους Graywitch & Leatherhead


H Harmonia PR με υπερηφάνεια παρουσιάζει:






Την Παρακευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025 οι heavymetallersGraywitchυποδέχονται στο Eightballτους Λαρισαίους speedmetallersLeatherhead, όπου από κοινού θα παρουσιάσουν ζωντανά τις νέες τους δισκογραφικές δουλειές. Μαζί τους οι ανερχόμενοι Blizzard.


Οι Graywitch είναι μια heavymetal μπάντα με έδρα την Θεσσαλονίκη. Ιδρύθηκαν στην Λευκωσία της Κύπρου στα μέσα του Οκτωβρίου του 2018 από Έλληνες και Κύπριους metalheads. Το 2021 κυκλοφόρησαν το πρώτο τους album, το "Rise Of The Witch",  μέσω της SleaszyRiderRecords. Μετά από αρκετές συναυλίες σε Ελλάδα αλλά και εξωτερικό, κυκλοφορούν τον Δεκέμβριο του 2023 το πρώτο τους single"God Of War’’, ενώ τον Φεβρουάριο του 2024 κυκλοφόρησε το δεύτερο album του συγκροτήματος με τίτλο “Children Of Gods’’, και πάλι από την SleaszyRiderRecords.

Graywitch Official Website: graywitchband.com

Graywitch Bandcamp: graywitchband.bandcamp.com


Οι Leatherhead είναι μια speed metal μπάντα από την Λάρισα. Οι βάσεις τέθηκαν το 2022, κυκλοφορώντας το πρώτο τους single"Tomahawk" και παίζοντας live ανά την Ελλάδα, λαμβάνοντας αναγνώριση για τις εμφανίσεις τους. Η αναμονή της πρώτης επίσημης δουλειάς τελείωσε, με το ομώνυμο ντεμπούτο να κυκλοφορεί από την NoRemorseRecords και την μπάντα να μοιάζει πιο απειλητική από ποτέ...

Leatherhead Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeatherHeadofficial

Leatherhead Bandcamp: https://leatherheadgr.bandcamp.com/album/leatherhead


Οι Blizzard με βάση το κλασσικό heavy metal, βρίσκονται στη διαδικασία ηχογράφησης και θα παρουσιάσουν κομμάτια από την επερχόμενη δισκογραφική τους δουλειά.

Blizzard Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlizzardMetalband


Παρακευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025

Graywitch, Leatherhead, Blizzard

Eightball, Πίνδου 1, Λαδάδικα, Θεσσαλονίκη

Εισιτήρια προπωλούνται ηλεκτρονικά εδώ

Προπώληση 10€

Ώρα έναρξης συναυλίας: 20:45 / Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν στις 20:30

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1097811271842734

Κυριακή 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

REVIEW: MEDUSA'S WRATH, Pavor Exitium Mors (2024)


MEDUSA'S WRATH, Pavor Exitium Mors (2024)


Φόβος εξαφάνιση θάνατος.

Το ακριβώς αντίθετο για τα πέντε παιδιά που με το ντεμπούτο τους μας αποδεικνύουν ότι η ελληνική Heavy Metal κοινότητα έχει τους βλαστούς της έτοιμους. Το συγκρότημα απ'την Αθήνα αποτελείται από τους Γιώργο Χρυσανθίδη φωνή, Χριστίνα Παφτίνου μπάσο, Πέτρο Καλύβα & Δημήτρη Ντόζη κιθάρες και Θοδωρή Δημητριάδη ντραμς και με το Lifeless Void Ε.Ρ. τους του 2022 πέρασε το φως απ'τη πύλη,  αλλά η πύλη άνοιξε τώρα διάπλατα με το πλήρες άλμπουμ και ντεμπούτο τους που μόλις κυκλοφόρησε. Τα Pavor Extinction Mors, Heaven's Gates, Annabelle, Steet Warriors, A Day Of Peace, Shade of the Night, Time Erased είναι τα κυρίαρχα κομμάτια του και δεν απογοητεύει στο σύνολο, τουναντίον η μουσική τους είναι στο λεπτό όριο μεταξύ heavy με speed metal, παιγμένη σύγχρονα με τα κελεύσματα των καιρών αλλά δεν κρύβει τη κλασική καταγωγή του DNA της από τη δεκαετία του 80 κι 90. Υπάρχει λοιπόν ελπίδα; Προφανώς ναι αφού τα τελευταία χρόνια δεν είναι οι μόνοι που φάνηκαν στον ορίζοντα.


Fear of disappearance and death.

The exact opposite for the five kids who, with their debut, prove to us that the Greek Heavy Metal community has its sprouts ready. The band from Athens consists of George Chrysanthidis on vocals, Christina Paftinou on bass, Petros Kalyvas and Dimitris Dozis on guitars, and Thodoris Dimitriadis on drums. With their 2022 EP *Lifeless Void*, they passed light through the gate, but now the gate has opened wide with their full debut album that has just been released. The dominant tracks are "Pavor Extinction Mors," "Heaven's Gates," "Annabelle," "Street Warriors," "A Day Of Peace," "Shade of the Night," and "Time Erased." It does not disappoint overall; on the contrary, their music lies on the fine line between heavy and speed metal, played in a contemporary style that reflects the trends of the times, yet it does not hide its classic roots from the '80s and '90s. So, is there hope? Obviously yes, as in recent years they are not the only ones to appear on the horizon.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

REVIEW: ROBIN TROWER – Long Misty Days (1976)


ROBIN TROWER – Long Misty Days (1976)


Robin Trower, a virtuoso guitarist and former member of the legendary rock band Procol Harum (1967–1971), set out on a solo journey that would redefine the landscape of blues-infused rock. His fourth studio album, "Long Misty Days," released in 1976, is a mesmerizing collection that enchants listeners with its enduring allure and masterful artistry.

This album is a rich tapestry of sound, intricately woven with strong blues influences and Trower's signature guitar mastery. With a style often likened to the great Jimi Hendrix, Trower ignites tracks like "Same Rain Falls," “Long Misty Days,” “Caledonia,” and the captivating cover of The Sutherland Brothers' "Sailing," each brimming with evocative energy.

“Same Rain Falls” kicks off the listening experience with an explosion of gritty guitar riffs layered beneath soaring, soulful vocals that instantly draw you into Trower's emotional world. The title track, “Long Misty Days,” unfolds as a dreamy journey, cloaked in swirling, fuzzed-out guitars that showcase Trower's unparalleled skills. “Caledonia” pulsates with a funky rhythm, propelled by the commanding vocals of James Dewar and the infectious drumming of Bill Lordan, creating a vibrant energy that’s impossible to resist.

The album doesn't hold back; it delivers dynamic gems like “Pride,” a high-octane funk/rock anthem that ignites the spirit. Then there's “I Can't Live Without You,” a deeply contemplative piece that echoes the lyrical elegance of Hendrix's “Little Wing,” inviting listeners to lose themselves in its poetic beauty. Trower's rendition of "Sailing" offers a raw, gritty interpretation that breathes new life into the beloved classic, distinguishing it from Rod Stewart's polished version.

Even decades after its release, "Long Misty Days" remains as invigorating as ever, a testament to Trower's visionary artistry and consummate execution. This album is a treasure trove for enthusiasts of blues-rock and students of Hendrix-inspired guitar mastery, proving that the magic of Trower's music is timeless and continues to resonate deeply with audiences around the world.

Nick Parastatidis

Σάββατο 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

REVIEW: PIRANHA, Arise From The Shadows (2020)


PIRANHA, Arise From The Shadows (2020)


Θρας μέχρι θανάτου.

Οι βετεράνοι της ελληνικής σκηνής, το δεύτερο γνωστότερο Thrash Metal σχήμα της χώρας μετά τους λίγο παλιότερους Flames στο τελευταίο αλμπουμ τους σε μεγάλη φόρμα. Η παρουσία τους δισκογραφικά βέβαια είναι δυσανάλογη της ιστορίας τους που ξεκινά με το demo The Exorcist το 1987. Πάντως αν αρέσκεται κανείς σε Kreator και Sodom τελών των 80s με μία δόση Sepultura εποχής Arise και μερικά πλήκτρα για το κατάλληλο αισθητικό σκοτάδι,  εδώ θα βρει πεδίο δόξης λαμπρό! Οι ίδιοι λένε ότι ανοίκουν στο Death Metal λόγω τών throat φωνητικών του  Γιάννη, επίσης ρυθμικού κιθαρίστα του σχήματος, αντικειμενικά είναι στο Dark Thrash Metal "ανθυποείδος" κατά τη γνώμη μου. Δεν παίζουν ούτε ηχούν σαν Morbid Angel ή Obituary εδώ τουλάχιστον, είναι στο στυλ των Flames αλλά ακόμη μελωδικότεροι (όσο μελωδικότεροι μπορεί να ειπωθεί για ένα τέτοιο συγκρότημα!). Ένα CD με πολύ καλές συνθέσεις σαν τις Nuclear Disease, Eternal Night, Endless Dream, Reborn, Rotten Mind, Arise From the Shadows να είναι οι κορυφαίες του.


Thrash Until Death

The veterans of the Greek scene, the second most well-known Thrash Metal band in the country after the slightly older Flames, are in great form with their latest album. Their discography is, however, disproportionate to their history, which began with the demo "The Exorcist" in 1987. If anyone enjoys Kreator and Sodom from the late '80s, with a touch of Sepultura's “Arise” era and some keyboards for the appropriate aesthetic darkness, they will find a glorious field here! They claim to belong to the Death Metal genre due to the throat vocals of Giannis, who is also the band's rhythm guitarist. Objectively, I believe they fall into the "sub-genre" of Dark Thrash Metal. They don’t sound like Morbid Angel or Obituary, at least not in this case; their style is reminiscent of the Flames but even more melodic (as much as can be said for a band of this genre!). This CD features very good compositions, with tracks like “Nuclear Disease”, “Eternal Night”, “Endless Dream”, “Reborn”, “Rotten Mind”, and “Arise From the Shadows” being among the highlights.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

DOMINUM Drops New Single “Don't Get Bitten By The Wrong Ones”


DOMINUM has released their new album, “The Dead Don't Die”, today, marking the start of a thrilling zombie apocalypse theme. The album is complemented by their new single, “Don't Get Bitten By The Wrong Ones,” which features a gripping music video. The track showcases a blend of catchy riffs and haunting lyrics, immersing listeners in a narrative of fear, survival, and mistrust in a society overrun by the undead. With powerful vocals from frontman Dr. Dead, the song emphasizes resilience and primal instincts, urging caution against hidden dangers. Dr. Dead reflects on the journey of the past year and shares a guiding mantra: "Don’t Get Bitten by the Wrong Ones," encapsulating the band's core message.

Πέμπτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

REVIEW: FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, Doomsday For The Deceiver (1986)


FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, Doomsday For The Deceiver (1986)

Metal Blade Records

Αυτό δεν προορίζονταν για κλασικό αλλά έγινε.

Το πρώτο άλμπουμ των thrasher που η ιστορία έγραψε ότι είχαν στη σύνθεση τους τον μπασίστα Jason Newsted.... λίγους μήνες μετά τη κυκλοφορία του δίσκου προσχώρησε στους Metallica αντικαθιστώντας τον τόσο άδικα χαμένο Cliff Burton. Πάντως το καλοκαίρι του '86 ο δίσκος αυτός μπήκε στα κατάστιχα των metal οπαδών κι έκτοτε δε βγήκε ποτέ. Thrash & Speed Metal όπως μόνο στα μέσα των 80s έβγαινε. Με ύμνους του είδους σαν τα Hammerhead, Iron Tears, Desecrator, το ορχηστρικό Fade to Black να είναι πλέον η πεμπτουσία του "σποιλερ αλερτ", το ομώνυμο Doomsday for the Deceiver,, Metalshock, She Took An Axe και το δεύτερο  ορχηστρικό το Flozzila που είναι το όνομα αυτού του πράσινου φολιδωτού τύπου στο εξώφυλλο του άλμπουμ. Η επανακυκλοφορία σε CD περιλαμβάνει  το demo τους του 1985 στο οποίο αξίζει να αναφερθεί η διασκευή στο The Beast Within των Stormtrooper. Δεκάρι σίγουρο και χαλαρό.


This was not intended to be classic but it became one. The first album of Thrasher, which history has recorded as featuring bassist Jason Newsted, was released just a few months before he joined Metallica, replacing the tragically lost Cliff Burton. Nevertheless, during the summer of '86, this album made its way into the archives of metal fans and has never left since. Thrash and speed metal, as it was only produced in the mid-'80s. With anthems of the genre like "Hammerhead," "Iron Tears," "Desecrator," the orchestral "Fade to Black" which has now become the essence of "spoiler alert," the self-titled "Doomsday for the Deceiver," "Metalshock," "She Took an Axe," and the second orchestral piece "Flozzila," which is the name of the green, scaly character on the album cover. The reissued CD includes their 1985 demo, which notably features a cover of "The Beast Within" by Stormtrooper. It’s a solid and relaxed ten out of ten.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

REVIEW: MEDUSA'S WRATH, Lifeless Void E.P. (2022)


MEDUSA'S WRATH, Lifeless Void E.P. (2022)


Άνοιξε τις θύρες.

Τα πρώτα πέντε κομμάτια ενός ελπιδοφόρου σχήματος της ευρύτερης ελληνικής Heavy Metal σκηνής, στο mini CD αυτό και για να πω την αλήθεια, η πρώτη σύνθεση τους με τον Βασίλη Παναγόπουλο στη φωνή, τον Πέτρο Καλύβα και την Χριστίνα Παφτίνου στις κιθάρες (τώρα είναι μπασίστρια), Χρήστο Κατέβα στο μπάσο και τον Γιάννη Πουζουκάκη ντραμς ηχεί κάπως πιο παλιομοδίτικη στο παίξιμο της. Δεν ξέρω αν πέρα από Ε.Ρ. αυτό είναι και το demo τους ή αν προϋπήρξε άλλη ηχογράφηση, αλλά μια φορά είναι πιο cult Metal ο ήχος εδώ με ό, τί αυτό συνεπάγεται και την πιο flat παραγωγή. Το ομώνυμο του σχήματος ανοίγει, Passion, Living in Shadows, Call of Deliverance και Seeker of Truth είναι οι τίτλοι.


Open the doors.

The first five tracks of a promising group from the broader Greek Heavy Metal scene are presented in this mini CD. To be honest, this is their first lineup with Vasilis Panagopoulos on vocals, Petros Kalivas and Christina Pafthinu on guitars (she is now a bassist), Christos Katevas on bass, and Giannis Pouzouakis on drums, which sounds somewhat more old-school in its playing style. I don’t know if this is just an EP or if they had previous recordings, but the sound here is definitely more cult Metal, with all that entails, and a flatter production. The band's self-titled track opens the CD; the titles are "Passion," "Living in Shadows," "Call of Deliverance," and "Seeker of Truth."

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

Τρίτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

NEW single and lyric video "Shapeless" by PRESSURE POINTS!


Pressure Points is a melodic metal band founded in Heinola, Finland in 2004. Their music is known for its exceptional qualities in melodic and progressive metal, blending various styles with a strong sense of melody and innovative, dynamic structures. They draw significant influence from bands like Porcupine Tree, Rush, Dream Theater, and Leprous.

The band has shared the stage with international acts such as Katatonia, Samael, and Omnium Gatherum, and has toured Northern Europe alongside well-known groups like Insomnium, Nile, and Keep of Kalessin.

Their last two releases, "Remorses to Remember" and "False Lights," received excellent reviews, with the former entering the Finnish charts and earning recognition at the Finnish Metal Awards. Following these albums, Pressure Points released their new album "The Island" through Art Gates Records on March 17, 2023. This fall, they debuted two new singles, with the second one, "Shapeless," released on December 18, accompanied by a lyric video created by Juha Tretjakov. This release continues their critically acclaimed third album.

Band members include:

- Juha Tretjakov: Lead vocals

- Kari Olli: Guitars & vocals

- Janne Parikka: Bass

- Veli-Matti Kyllönen: Keyboards

- Vili Auvinen: Drums

REVIEW: EASY RIDER – Regeneration


EASY RIDER – Regeneration

Locomotive Records

The name “Easy Rider” instantly evokes memories of the iconic 1969 film starring Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper, the latter also serving as the film's director. However, it’s essential to clarify that the band Easy Rider bears no connection to the film's hippie aesthetic. Instead, they delve into the realms of heavy and power metal, crafting a sound that resonates with enthusiasts of the genre.

Released in 2002, "Regeneration" marks the band's fourth studio album and showcases their evolution as musicians. Hailing from Spain, the group features American vocalist Ron Finn, who brings a distinct flair to their music. Interestingly, Finn was once considered for the role of vocalist for Savatage, although the position ultimately went to Damond Jiniya.

What stands out about Easy Rider is their undeniable influence from the U.S. metal scene, particularly drawing inspiration from the legendary Iron Maiden. This album is a rich tapestry of powerful riffs and soaring melodies that truly captures the essence of heavy metal. With each listen, I find myself appreciating this album more and uncovering new layers to its sound that I hadn't noticed before.

It’s perplexing why "Regeneration" has remained somewhat under the radar among fans of U.S. metal, especially those who appreciate bands like Steel Prophet and Jag Panzer. This is a gem that deserves more recognition!

Some standout tracks include "Regeneration," "Stranger," "No Room in Hell," "Freedom Fighter," "Goliath," "Chariots of the Gods," and "Man Made Martyr." Each song contributes to the album's overall impact, showcasing the band's talent and versatility.

If you come across this album, do yourself a favor and grab a copy. "Regeneration" is a remarkable contribution to the heavy metal genre that deserves to be celebrated!

Nick Parastatidis