Τρίτη 12 Ιανουαρίου 2021

FROSTHELM - The Northwinds Rend Flesh EP


FROSTHELM - The Northwinds Rend Flesh EP



Aggressive, thrash laden and intense, for a little over 10 minutes!  I'm eager to hear their full-lengths.  They really do a good job of creating some interesting music.  I'm glad I found this in my collection because I hadn't listen to much of it (if at all).  The screaming is utterly apparent and screeching!  I liked all 4 tracks on here.  I think that this band has a lot to offer.  Their music being that they're black/thrash is in a unique category and original sounding utopia.  The music is fast and furious!  Totally intense the whole way through this EP.  I'm glad I was able to pull it out of the collection and write about it!

The vocals and the music are the highlights to this one.  I felt that the production could've been a little better, hence the "A-" on this rating.  The leads on here are good as well, pretty technical.  I just liked the rhythms and vocals the most.  Haven't heard from to many North Dakotan's making extreme music.  This band is an exception!  I liked this the whole way through and like I said, it's fast and furious!  It just doesn't let up in intensity.  And I'm interested in hearing more from this band.  Just got the LP's via Spotify so I'll be interested in hearing more from Frosthelm.  I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from them.

But anyway, aside from the production/mixing not being 100%, this act still does the metal community justice with some really intense tracks here.  Both hoarse and screaming on the vocals, they mixed well on here.  It's what makes this quite diverse.  I'm surprised no one has gotten to it sooner.  Being that it's been out for 8 years, you would've thought that someone would comment on their music.  But I'm getting to it now and hopefully it will permeate into a good audience here.  They are in a league of their own in terms of intense and sick riffs!  I'm definitely glad that I got this even to just try out.

I would say buy the EP like I did, but most people haven't heard of them.  I'd check out their full lengths on Spotify, but for this EP, I'd say buy it!  It's totally worth the money.  If you have trouble finding where you can get this, maybe on YouTube if nothing else.  I got this a while ago.  I should have taken more notice of it.  At least now it's getting some recognition here.  I'm interested in their further writings since they have a lot to offer the metal world.  Show some respect to the music community and check them out!  They're worth your time and money!  Own this today!

Ryan “Death8699” Fanucchi

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