Δευτέρα 11 Νοεμβρίου 2024




The Silent Rage


I Abyssick


Element Zero

Κυριακή 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

Κύτταρο Live (Ηπείρου 48 & Αχαρνών, Αθήνα)

Ώρα Έναρξης: 19:00 - Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν στις 18:30

Είσοδος: 15€ (προπώληση), 20€ (ταμείο)

Το Ghostlands & Ravenlands Festival είναι ένας νέος θεσμός ο οποίος έχει τις ρίζες του στο Caravan Of Shadows Festival, ένα περιοδεύων φεστιβάλ, με τις δυο εκδοχές του να λαμβάνουν χώρα, αρχικά στην πόλη της Κέρκυρας και το Graal τον Μάιο του 2017 και την δεύτερη να πραγματοποιείται τον Δεκέμβριο του 2019 στην Αθήνα και το Ίλιον Plus. Μιας και ακόμα δεν έχει ανακοινωθεί που θα πραγματοποιηθεί το τρίτο του μέρος, τα μέλη των The Silent Rage δημιούργησαν το Ghostlands & Ravenlands Festival, το οποίο αναμένεται να πραγματοποιείται κάθε χρόνο στην Αθήνα, με μπάντες από όλο το φάσμα του μελωδικού και όχι μόνο metal. Η πρώτη του έκδοση πραγματοποιήθηκε το 2023 και το 2025 το φεστιβάλ επιστρέφει δυναμικά!

Headliners της βραδιάς θα είναι οι modern power metallers The Silent Rage, οι οποίοι δημιουργήθηκαν τον Φεβρουάριο του 2006 από τον κιθαρίστα Νίκο Σιγλίδη και έκτοτε η μπάντα έχει κυκλοφορήσει ένα full length album (“The Deadliest Scourge”, 2016) δυο αυτοχρηματοδοτούμενα EP (“The Silent Rage”, 2009 & “Harvester Of Souls”, 2011), ένα 7” [“My Race Won’t Last (2018 Edition)”] και ένα digital single (“Harvester Of Souls MMXXI”). Το δεύτερο άλμπουμ του συγκροτήματος, “Nuances Of Life”, κυκλοφόρησε τον Μάιο του 2023 από την Scartlet Records.  Στην μέχρι τώρα πορεία του το σχήμα έχει εμφανιστεί στο πλάι σχημάτων όπως οι Shadow Gallery, οι Rage, οι Grave Digger, οι Stratovarius, οι Rotting Christ, οι Temperance, οι Primal Fear, ο Gus G & οι Destruction, ενώ το 2022 βρήκε την μπάντα να λαμβάνει μέρος στο Release Athens Festival στο πλευρό των Sabaton, Blind Guardian & Epica ενώ συνεχεία το συγκρότημα πραγματοποίησε εμφανίσεις επί Βρετανικού (Power Metal Quest Fest, Birmingham), Αυστριακού (Dragon’s Cry Festival, Βιέννη) & Τσεχικού (Dragon’s Cry Roadshow, Brno) εδάφους αλλά και άνοιξε τις συναυλίες των Kamelot & Angra/Elegy στην Αθήνα καθώς επίσης συμμετείχε στο Horns Up Festival 2024 στα Τρίκαλα μαζί με τους Glacier, Elegy & Astronomica ανάμεσα σε άλλους. Αυτή την στιγμή το σχήμα δουλεύει πάνω σε νέο υλικό που θα αποτελέσει την τρίτη ολοκληρωμένη τους δισκογραφική δουλειά.

Οι Dragony, οι οποίοι επισκέπτονται για πρώτη φορά την χώρα μας, κατάγονται από την Βιέννη της Αυστρίας και κινούνται στον χώρο του συμφωνικού power metal. Από τον πρώτο τους κιόλας δίσκο, τον “Legends” (Limb Music, 2012), προκάλεσαν ποικίλες εντυπώσεις αφού σε αυτόν συμμετείχαν εξέχουσες προσωπικότητες όπως αυτές των Thomas Buchberger (Serenity) και Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear) ανάμεσα σε άλλους. Ο δίσκος έλαβε διθυραμβικές κριτικές ανά τα διεθνή μέσα. Το “Shadowplay” (Limb Music, 2015) κυκλοφόρησε και βρήκε το σχήμα να το προωθεί περιοδεύοντας μαζί με τους Gamma Ray και τους Serious Black ανάμεσα σε άλλες σπουδαίες εμφανίσεις που πραγματοποίησαν. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι το πρώτο δείγμα που έδωσε για τον εν λόγω δίσκο στην δημοσιότητα ήταν μια διασκευή πάνω στο “True Survivor” του David Hasselhoff από το soundtrack της ταινίας “Kung Fury”! Βέβαια, στο κομμάτι του δίσκου, “The Silent Sun”, μπορεί κανείς να αντιληφθεί και την συμμετοχή του Zak Stevens (Circle II Circle, Savatage). Για τον εορτασμό των δέκα χρόνων τους κυκλοφορούν το EP “Lords Of The Hunt” (Limb Music, 2017) για να έρθει ένα χρόνο μετά το “Masters Of The Multiverse”. Για την προώθηση του, το συγκρότημα παρέα με τους Serenity και Visions of Atlantis πραγματοποίησαν την “Symphonic Metal Nights IV” στα τέλη του 2018, παίζοντας σε Αυστρία, Γερμανία, Ολλανδία, Ιταλία, Γαλλία και Ουγγαρία ενώ εν συνεχεία εμφανίστηκαν στο 70.000 Tons of Metal της επόμενης χρονιάς όπως και στο Wacken Open Air. Το 2020 οι Dragony υπογράφουν νέο συμβόλαιο συνεργασίας με την Napalm Records για την κυκλοφορία του τέταρτου δίσκου τους, “Viribus Unitis”, ο οποίος κυκλοφόρησε έναν χρόνο αργότερα. O δίσκος έφτασε στο #73 των Αυστριακών Top 100 album charts και στο #97 των αντίστοιχων Ελβετικών! Επιπλέον, το “Viribus Unitis” έδωσε στους Dragony την υποψηφιότητα για την κατηγορία “Hard & Heavy” στα Αυστριακά Amadeus Music Award 2022! Τον φετινό Απρίλιο η μπάντα ανακοίνωσε συμβόλαιο συνεργασίας με την SPV/Steamhammer για την κυκλοφορία του, “Hic Svnt Dracones”, το οποίο ήδη λαμβάνει εξαιρετικές κριτικές ανά τον κόσμο! Τα singles “Beyond the Rainbow Bridge” & “Dragon of the Sea (Sic Parvis Magna)” αποτελούν ένα εξαιρετικό δείγμα και σίγουρα θα εντυπωσιάσουν με την εμφάνιση τους στο Ghostlands & Ravenlands!

Οι I Abyssick είναι ένα metal συγκρότημα από την Αθήνα, που δημιουργεί ένα αμάλγαμα έντονων και ατμοσφαιρικών ήχων με heavy ρυθμούς και σκοτεινές μελωδίες. Το συγκρότημα ιδρύθηκε στα τέλη του 2017 από τον Κωνσταντίνο M. (Forbidden Seed, Starve the Hydra, Atrocity Pioneer) στις κιθάρες και τα φωνητικά και τον Άγγελο Σ. στα τύμπανα. Στο συγκρότημα προστέθηκαν μετέπειτα οι Γιώργος Π. και Stratos VR (Defision) στις κιθάρες, καθώς και ο Duffy K. στο μπάσο. Ορμώμενοι από τις ξεχωριστές τους επιρροές, δημιουργούν έναν ήχο που αντικατοπτρίζει το συλλογικό τους πάθος για το metal και την ατμοσφαιρική μουσική. Το ντεμπούτο τους, “Ashes Enthroned”, (που κυκλοφόρησε το 2021 μέσω της Sleaszy Rider SRL) εξερευνά θέματα υπαρξιακού τρόμου και κοινωνικής παρακμής, σε ένα ερεβώδες, post-apocalyptic φόντο που συμπληρώνει τον ατμοσφαιρικό ήχο του συγκροτήματος.

Οι Mystfall αποτελούν την καλύτερη πρόταση της χώρας προς την διεθνή σκηνή μιας και συνδυάζουν το παραδοσιακό συμφωνικό metal ήχο και ατμόσφαιρες που χαρίζουν στον ακροατή μια πιο μελοδραματική προσέγγιση. Το πρώτο τους άλμπουμ, το “Celestial Vision” κυκλοφόρησε τον Ιούλιο του 2023 από την Scarlet Records, σε σύνθεση και παραγωγή Διονύση Χριστοδουλάτου (Sorrowful Angels, X-Piral, Floating Worlds), με τον οποίο το σχήμα ξεκίνησε να δουλεύει και τον επερχόμενο δίσκο του αυτή την περίοδο. Έκτοτε το σχήμα είχε διάφορες αλλαγές στην σύνθεση του αλλά τώρα επιστρέφουν πιο δυνατοί από ποτέ, πραγματοποιώντας μάλιστα το ντεμπούτο τους επί σκηνής στο Ghostlands & Ravenlands festival! Σίγουρα δεν θέλετε να το χάσετε αυτό!

Την βραδιά θα ανοίξουν οι Element Zero από την Αθήνα. Η μουσική τους είναι μια ποικιλόμορφη μίξη alternative rock με metal στοιχεία, αντλώντας έμπνευση από μια μεγάλη ποικιλία καλλιτεχνών και ειδών, ενώ οι στίχοι τους εκφράζουν συναισθήματα και σκέψεις των εσωτερικών δαιμόνων που κάθε άτομο έχει να παλέψει στην καθημερινή του ζωή, καθώς και κάποιες κοινωνικοπολιτικές ανησυχίες που εγείρονται από τη ζωή σε μια σύγχρονη κοινωνία. Μέχρι στιγμής έχουν κυκλοφορήσει πέντε singles και πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσουν σύντομα το πρώτο τους EP!

Breaker release debut EP


Breaker was formed in 2023 by vocalist Terje Fiskvatn (vocals), Caleb Beal (guitars) and Rider Johnson (drums). After almost a year of playing together the band released their debut self-titled EP, signed a promo deal with "GlobMetal Promotions" and already started to work on their full length album scheduled to release in 2025.

Κυριακή 10 Νοεμβρίου 2024

REVIEW: ANVIL, Metal On Metal (1982)


ANVIL, Metal On Metal (1982)

Attic Records

Πλέον κάτι αχνοφαίνεται.

Στο νούμερο δύο άλμπουμ οι Καναδοί Heavy/Speed Metal πρωτοπόροι είναι πολλά βήματα μπροστά σε σχέση με το ντεμπούτο τους ένα χρόνο πίσω. Η τετράδα παραμένει ακόμα επηρεασμένη απ' το NWOBHM αλλά ελλοχεύει κάτι διαφορετικό που θα μεταμορφωθεί στο επόμενο στάδιο της καριέρας τους στο Forged In Fire στο κοντινό μέλλον. Για πολλούς οπαδούς τους αυτό είναι το πρώτο πραγματικά αντιπροσωπευτικό τους άλμπουμ. Όπως και να είναι έχει μέσα κλασικά Anviloτραγουδα σαν το ομώνυμο που ανοίγει το άλμπουμ, Mothra, το σχεδόν αλά Kiss κομμάτι Stop Me, το ορχηστρικό March of the Crabs, Jackhammer, Hit Sink, Scenery το οποίο έχει μια παράξενη ομοιότητα με κάποιο κομμάτι των Judas Priest αλλά δε μπορώ τόσα χρόνια να το εντοπίσω με ποιο ακριβώς, Tease me Please me και το τελευταίο τραγούδι τον περίεργο Speed Metal δυναμίτη 666  με τον αριθμό τού Θηρίου, ερμηνευμένο στην αραβική αρίθμηση σαν τα τρία εξάρια την ίδια χρονιά που το NWOBHM τοτέμ που λέγεται Iron Maiden κυκλοφορεί το δικό του άλμπουμ The Number of the Beast!


Something is finally beginning to emerge.

On their second album, the Canadian Heavy/Speed Metal pioneers are several steps ahead compared to their debut just a year prior. The quartet remains influenced by the NWOBHM, but there’s a hint of something different here—something that will fully evolve in the next phase of their career on “Forged in Fire” in the near future. For many fans, this is their first truly representative album.

The album includes classic Anvil tracks like the title track that opens the album, "Mothra," the Kiss-inspired "Stop Me," the instrumental "March of the Crabs," "Jackhammer," "Heat Sink," and "Scenery," which bears a strange resemblance to a Judas Priest song, though I haven’t pinpointed which one after all these years. It also features "Tease Me, Please Me" and closes with the peculiar Speed Metal dynamite track "666," referencing the Number of the Beast, rendered in Arabic numerals as three sixes—the same year the NWOBHM icon Iron Maiden released their album “The Number of the Beast”

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης!

REVIEW: VANADIUM - A Race with the Devil


VANADIUM - A Race with the Devil

Durium Records

Return to the Glories of the 80s, and we'll venture to a country not typically associated with the heavy metal sound of that era. I'm talking about Italy, which had a respectable scene during that decade, although not as prominently featured. Today, let's focus on the Italian band Vanadium and their second studio album, "A Race with the Devil."

Generally, I've noticed that if you mix the devil and metal, it's hard to go wrong with the result. However, in essence, this album by Vanadium manages to fuse the 70s hard rock/heavy metal forms with those of the 80s. And they do so in an absolutely creative and inspired manner. They incorporate influences from Deep Purple and Uriah Heep, especially in the keyboards, with those of Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, making them their own.

This album is imbued with a strong NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal) sentiment, characterized by its passionate and inspired compositions. It's impossible not to remember songs like "I Gotta Clash with You," "A Race with the Devil," "Running Wild," "Fire Trails" (dedicated to Bon Scott, and naturally, it has its references to AC/DC), "Outside of Society," and "Russian Roulette" (which reminds one of Accept in name, but is very much Iron Maiden and Rainbow).

Vanadium, named after the chemical element, mirrors the qualities of the metal itself—strong, versatile, and withstanding the test of time. Their name represents durability and the ability to withstand pressure, much like their music that has influenced and inspired many.

Nick Parastatidis

Σάββατο 9 Νοεμβρίου 2024



STAGEWAR is a relentless live band from Frankfurt am Main, Germany, that has pursued their dreams undeterred by challenging conditions since their formation in 2003 by sixteen-year-olds Kimon Roggenbuck and Dominik Dezius. With over 200 live performances, they have built an underground reputation across Europe, describing their music as a distinct blend of thrash metal and rock 'n' roll. Over their 20+ years, they have shared the stage with notable bands like HATESPHERE, ARTILLERY, PAUL DiANNO, ELUVEITIE, and GAMMA BOMB. Their dynamic shows evoke nostalgia without feeling dated, and their tracks stick in your mind like gum on your shoes, reflecting their genuine and unpretentious nature. After releasing four demos and music videos, they debuted their album *LIVING ON TH(R)ASH* in late 2011, followed by two self-organized European tours. Their second album, *KILLING FAST*, came out in 2016 to warm acclaim, leading to the infamous *KILLING FAST* tour. In 2021, they released their third LP, *DANGER TO OURSELVES*, and the limited 10” vinyl EP *INTERLUDE TO SELF-DESTRUCTION* in 2023. Currently, STAGEWAR is gearing up for the release of their fourth LP, scheduled for 2025, and fans eagerly anticipate their next move.

WASTEFALL announce their new bassist


The band Wastefall is excited to welcome their new bassist, Stefanos Spanopoulos, after a months-long search has successfully completed their lineup. With the recent addition of Babis Amoiridis on drums and Konstantinos Mavrogiannis on guitar, the band is now whole again. Stefanos, an experienced musician known for his work with Soulskinner and The Dancing Cripples, brings a passion for the bass and a talent for crafting intricate rhythms that will inject fresh energy and creativity into the group. With an impressive musical background and years of experience in both studio and live performances, he seamlessly blends groove with technical precision, perfectly complementing the complex and atmospheric sound of Wastefall. “We are extremely happy to welcome Stefanos to the Wastefall family,” says Domenik Papaemmanouil, the band's vocalist and guitarist. “His musical background and presence add new depth to our music, and we can’t wait to share this new chapter with our fans.” As the revamped lineup gears up for an exciting season filled with upcoming live shows and new releases, fans can look forward to hearing Stefanos’s distinctive bass lines and experiencing the dynamic synergy that Wastefall brings. Expressing his enthusiasm, Stefanos shares, "It is a huge joy and honor for me to be in this band. I still remember 20 years ago, as a teenager, when I first heard ‘Soulrain 21’ and was blown away by how a local band produced such an amazing album with excellent songwriting! I am thrilled to be in a band of which I am a huge fan, and I can't wait to hit the stage and share the new material we are working on!"

SUNLIGHT Unveils First Single "Forever Lost" Ahead of Upcoming Album


Melodic heavy/power metal band Sunlight is excited to announce the release of their first single titled "Forever Lost." This track will be featured on their forthcoming second album, "Son Of The Sun," set to hit the shelves through Total Metal Records, a subsidiary of Metal Scrap Records Inc.

The lyric video for "Forever Lost" has been expertly crafted by Theazshow, adding a visual dynamic to the band's latest offering. Fans can look forward to experiencing the powerful sound and engaging lyrics that Sunlight is known for.

Stay tuned for more updates on the album release and upcoming performances.



The veteran Greek epic and melodic Death Metal band SOULSKINNER, have just launched a lyric-video of the song "Kingdom of the Deceased" as a 2nd advance single from their upcoming 6th album entitled "Gloryfied by the Light" which will see the light next November 26th through Xtreem Music on CD & Diigital formats.

RETADOR reveal 1st song, cover art and tracklist for new album


Spanish Thrash Metal band RETADOR has announced their upcoming second full-length album titled "Earëndel," set to be released on January 21, 2025, through Xtreem Music in CD, 12" LP, and Digital formats. Formed in Málaga in late 2020, RETADOR gained recognition with their first demo and debut album "Retador," which was well-received internationally. After a busy two years of performing across Spain and writing new material, they recorded "Earëndel" at Moontower Studios, again mastered by Dan Swanö at Unisound Studios in Germany.

The tracklist for "Earëndel" includes:

1. Earëndel,

2. Somos Eternos,

3. La Sombra de tu Existir,

4. Redes,

5. Lux Ferre,

6. Asesino,

7. Profanado,

 8. Terror en la Noche,

9. Abismo 52 (outro)

Πέμπτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2024

DOMINUM Releases Second Single “One Of Us”


Before the release of their new album "The Dead Don't Die" on December 27, 2024, DOMINUM has introduced the single "One Of Us," which creatively intertwines themes of betrayal, redemption, and resurrection through the lens of Zombie Jesus. The track showcases the band's signature powerful orchestration and the vocal talent of Dr. Dead, further enhanced by an engaging official music video that highlights their ability to combine catchy music with striking visuals. As the zombie empire prepares for expansion, fans are also looking forward to DOMINUM's first headlining tour at the end of the year, promising an exciting experience for both the living and the undead. Dr. Dead encourages listeners to embrace the story and its deeper truths, assuring that the revelations presented should neither alarm nor sadden them.



LYRIEL – Leverage

AFM Records

Although I am not a big fan of symphonic metal, this release really captivated my attention. "Leverage" is the fourth studio album by the German folk metal band Lyriel, released on February 24, 2012. The album blends soft folk rock with symphonic and gothic metal elements, featuring a duet with Schandmaul vocalist Thomas Lindner on the track "Wenn die Engel fallen." The album includes songs inspired by the works of Robert Frost and Charlotte Brontë, and received positive reviews in Germany, Austria, and the United Kingdom.

Songs like "Parting" and the highly emotional "Wenn die Engel fallen" are almost impossible not to like. The way Lyriel blends symphonic and gothic metal elements with folk melodies sets this album apart. It is, in my opinion, a release that opened the way for many new bands to mix symphonic and folk metal elements.

As for the band members, Jessica Thierjung (vocals), Tim Sonnenstuhl (guitars), Steffen Feldmann (bass), Joon Laukamp (violin), and Oliver Thierjung (guitars) are part of Lyriel. Some members have also been involved in other projects: Jessica Thierjung and Tim Sonnenstuhl have contributed to various collaborations, and Thomas Lindner is well-known for his work with Schandmaul.

This album is definitely worth experiencing, even if symphonic metal isn't usually your go-to. Lyriel has crafted an album that not only stands on its own merits but also sets a precedent for what can be achieved within the genre.

Nick Parastatidis

Τετάρτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2024

SUBWAY TO SALLY Celebrate Life With New Single "Post Mortem"


German folk metal legends SUBWAY TO SALLY are set to release their 15th studio album, "Post Mortem," on December 20, 2024, via Napalm Records, showcasing their enduring spirit and zest for life. The album's first single, the title track "Post Mortem," embodies the band's vibrant energy and wit, inviting listeners to confront mortality with humor and embrace life's challenges. Initially intended to mark a dignified conclusion to their over 30-year career with their previous album "Himmelfahrt," SUBWAY TO SALLY was revitalized by overwhelming fan support, prompting a swift and inspired creative process for this new release. The band reflects humorously on their journey, stating they have navigated significant challenges—both personally and within the world—yet continue to thrive, offering a blend of folk, rock, and raw defiance that defines their unmistakable sound. Join them in celebration as they raise a glass to life and creativity with "Post Mortem"!

PRESSURE POINTS Release New Single This Fall


The melodic metal band Pressure Points, founded in Heinola, Finland, in 2004, is known for its exceptional blend of melodic and progressive metal. Their music combines various styles with a strong sense of melody, alongside innovative and dynamic structures. Influenced by giants such as Porcupine Tree, Rush, Dream Theater, and Leprous, they have made a significant impact in the metal scene.

Over the years, Pressure Points have shared the stage with international bands like Katatonia, Samael, and Omnium Gatherum. They've also toured Northern Europe with well-known names like Insomnium, Nile, and Keep of Kalessin.

Their latest releases, "Remorses to Remember" and "False Lights," received outstanding reviews, with the former making it to the Finnish charts and being recognized at the Finnish Metal Awards. Following these successes, Pressure Points released their new album "The Island" through Art Gates Records on March 17, 2023.

This fall, the Finnish progressive metal group is set to release two new singles. The first, "The Chase," was unveiled on September 6, accompanied by a stunning music video directed by Teppo Ristola. This release continues the acclaim received by their third album.

Band Members:

Juha Tretjakov - Lead vocals

Kari Olli - Guitars & vocals

Janne Parikka - Bass

Veli-Matti Kyllönen - Keyboards

Vili Auvinen - Drums

Stay tuned for more music from Pressure Points!

HARMONIZE ORACLE Announces New EP "Before The Oracle" and Video for Single "Chained Spirit"


Harmonize Oracle has announced the release of their new single "Chained Spirit" along with a special message for their followers.

In their recent communiqué, the band expressed their excitement about finally releasing new music after a significant period of waiting. They shared that "Chained Spirit," which has been in their collection for quite some time, is now ready to be unveiled to the public.

The song delves into the inner world of the story's protagonist and explores the unbearable circumstances that leave individuals feeling trapped. Listeners can find "Chained Spirit" available on all major online platforms, as well as on the band's official website. The group hopes that their audience will enjoy this new musical offering.

Furthermore, "Chained Spirit" will be featured on their upcoming EP titled "Before The Oracle," which is set to be released on November 22, 2024.

PATRIARKH, Formerly Batushka, Reveal Official Music Video for “ВЕРШАЛИН IV”


Polish black metal band PATRIARKH, formerly known as Batushka, is set to release their upcoming concept album, ПРОРОК ИЛИЯ (PROROK ILJA), on January 3, 2025, through Napalm Records. The band has unveiled a new single titled “ВЕРШАЛИН IV” (WIERSZALIN IV), which is accompanied by an official music video. This track features the sacred vocals of Eliza Sacharczuk and blends liturgical melodies with intense harsh vocals, creating a compelling soundscape reflective of Eastern Orthodox traditions. The album, inspired by the life of the enigmatic Prophet Ilja and set against a historical backdrop of the 1930s and ’40s, promises to deliver an immersive experience through its eight tracks that incorporate elements of both black and doom metal. PATRIARKH emphasizes their creative journey in crafting this music, highlighting their collaboration with Sacharczuk and the cultural influences that shape their sound. Pre-orders for the album are now available, alongside the captivating music video for the new single.

REVIEW: LABYRINTH, Return To Heaven Denied (1998)


LABYRINTH, Return To Heaven Denied (1998)

Metal Blade Records

Τομή δύναμης και προοδευτικότητας.

Οι Ιταλοί Labyrinth ήταν απ' τα μεγάλα ονόματα της γειτονικής χώρας στο μελωδικό και Progressive Power Metal. Νομίζω ότι αυτό το CD είναι το πιο χαρακτηριστικό τους μουσικό έργο. Ένα συγκρότημα που είχε πειραματιστεί ακόμη και με "ρεϊβάδικα"(όπως τα λέγαμε χλευαστικά) πλήκτρα στο προηγούμενο ντεμπούτο τους άλμπουμ κι εδώ ευτυχώς μόνο σε δύο σημεία, τολμούν εδώ να συνδυάσουν τη λυρικότητα στιχουργικά με το ιταλικού τύπου Power  Metal ύφος, του οποίου είναι απ' τα πρώτα δείγματα μαζί με τους επίσης prog Metalers Athena, συγκρότημα του Fabio Lione που πέρασε τόσο από εδώ και κατέληξε ως γνωστόν στη ναυαρχίδα της ιταλικής σκηνής τους Rhapsody. Ένα μείγμα από Angra, Fates Warning και Gamma Ray είναι ο ήχος τους κι η μνήμη μου θυμάται καλά τη πολύ καλή εντύπωση  που άφησε και  την επιτυχία του δίσκου αυτού και στη χώρα μας τότε. Περιέχει ανάμεσα στα έντεκα κομμάτια του κλασικά late 90s τραγούδια σαν τα Moonlight, New Horizons, τη  κομματάρα Lady Lost In Time, Heaven Denied, Thunder, Time After Time, Falling Rain. Η σύνθεση εδώ είναι Rob Tyrant φωνή, Ölaf Thorsen και Anders Rain κιθάρα, Chris Breeze μπάσο, Andrew McPauls πλήκτρα και πιάνο, Mat Stancioiou ντραμς και πολύ θα ήθελα αντί των καλλιτεχνικών τους ονομάτων να ήξερα και τα κανονικά τους, αλλά έτσι αναφέρονται στο βιβλιαράκι του CD!


A Cutting Edge of Power and Progressiveness

Italian band Labyrinth was one of the big names in the neighboring country’s Melodic and Progressive Power Metal scene. I believe this CD is their most characteristic musical work. The band, which even experimented with "rave" (as we mockingly called them) keyboards on their previous debut album, fortunately only in two places here, dares to combine lyrical content with an Italian-style Power Metal approach. They were among the first to do so, along with fellow prog metallers Athena, the band of Fabio Lione, who passed through here and eventually ended up with the flagship of the Italian scene, Rhapsody. Their sound is a mix of Angra, Fates Warning, and Gamma Ray, and I recall well the great impression and success this album had in our country at the time. Among its eleven tracks, it contains classic late 90s songs like "Moonlight," "New Horizons," the great track "Lady Lost In Time," "Heaven Denied," "Thunder," "Time After Time," and "Falling Rain." The lineup here is Rob Tyrant on vocals, Ölaf Thorsen and Anders Rain on guitars, Chris Breeze on bass, Andrew McPauls on keyboards and piano, and Mat Stancioiou on drums. I would very much like to know their real names instead of their artistic ones, but that’s how they are listed in the CD booklet.

Τάκης "Ε-Μortal One" Γιώτης

Τρίτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2024

BURNING WITCHES Enchant with New Single “The Spell Of The Skull”


Burning Witches are set to unleash their 80s-inspired heavy metal vibe with a modern twist in their upcoming maxi-single *The Spell of the Skull*, out December 10, 2024, via Napalm Records. The Swiss band, known for high-energy shows at major metal festivals like Wacken and Summer Breeze, brings two new tracks that showcase their signature power. The title track kicks off with a fierce guitar intro that highlights Laura Guldemond’s compelling vocals, especially in the anthemic chorus. Guitarist Romana Kalkuhl teases that “The Spell of the Skull” could be a new anthem for fans, marking an exciting prelude to their next full album in 2025.