- Relentless Mutilation
Season of Mist
The first time I heard this album was on Spotify I
think it was last year. I didn't think much of it, but I gave it a few more
listens to then decided to buy a physical copy. It was really worth it, as well
as their predecessor, “The Lucid Collective” (2014), which wasn't as well
reviewed as their latest. I can hear why, it was a little bit all over the
place of an album, which is typical with a technical death metal act. But!
Their latest takes more of a liking from me not because of the production, but because
of the music. Yes, it does keep your head spinning with those whirlpool guitar
frenzies. I didn't really dislike anything from this release. I thought it
stronger than the former album, so let's break it down here...