Πέμπτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2023

REVIEW: BEAR MACE - Charred Field of Slaughter


BEAR MACE - Charred Field of Slaughter

Redefining Darkness Records


Bear Mace's latest album carries a strong Death influence, particularly reminiscent of 'Spiritual Healing,' among other classics. As Chicago natives, they bring a potent dose of kick-ass death metal to the scene. I believe this album deserves a solid "B" rating, especially considering its impressive follow-up to their debut.

This five-piece band showcases their musical prowess, with vocals that possess a unique, echoic quality. What truly sets them apart are the guitars, featuring killer riffs with intense tremolo picking and distinctive frenzies. Bear Mace shows immense potential for long-term success, even in the competitive Chicago scene alongside acts like Cardiac Arrest, Cianide, and Usurper.

Despite their talent, Bear Mace faces the challenge of expanding their fan base and getting the recognition they deserve. I discovered them through a friend and took a chance on their CD, ignoring a less-than-stellar "C" rating – a decision I don't regret. The album's musicality and instrumental prowess are striking, seamlessly blending the Death influence with their unique vibe.

The vocals, enhanced by reverb, harmonize seamlessly with the music, creating a captivating experience. The standout feature is the guitars, which boast a robust sound with killer riffs, complemented by powerful drumming. The production and mixing quality are exceptional, leaving no room for imperfections and enhancing the precision of their sound.

Bear Mace has undoubtedly made strides in the death metal scene with this album, leaving fans in awe. Their music deserves a global platform due to its undeniable uniqueness. Beyond their influences, Bear Mace showcases remarkable maturity and variety in their compositions, demonstrating a clear progression from their debut. This album, with its music and vocals, has unquestionably hit the mark.

In summary, Bear Mace's latest album is a winner and a must-listen for metal enthusiasts, making it a valuable addition to any collection.

Ryan “Death8699” Fanucchi

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