Τετάρτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

CHASTAIN – We Bleed Metal review

 CHASTAIN – We Bleed Metal
Pure Steel Records
Heavy metal gave a whole of a different meaning to musical instruments that were used in the past in different musical genres. I think that it proved you can play as extreme you want and yet be technical and melodic (people who still consider this sound as noise, have never been into music in my opinion). In this genre there were some exceptional musicians that were and still are the guiding light for the next generation. I think that David Chastain was and still is such a guitarist who not only offered us through the years great tunes and skillful guitar playing, but also discovered and promoted guitarists who are now considered the next big thing in heavy metal. On the other hand this band also has a magnificent female singer and I mean Leather Leone who along with Jutta Weinhold (ZED YAGO) set the standards of how a female heavy metal singer should sound. So, here we are and CHASTIAN are releasing their new album with the simple and yet full of meaning title “We Bleed Metal” and I feel very happy to write a few words about it.

THE COVER: The painting on the cover is the kind that we should expect from an album with such a title. You can see a boiling black liquid (perhaps liquid steel?) and inside it a human skull with a brain on fire and also some human bones and a spine. It is simple, a bit macabre and yet impressive.
MUSICAL STYLE: For those who have followed the band and Chastain through the years already know that he never left the traditional heavy metal sound. In some of his latest releases he might have added some modern elements, but CHASTAIN is synonymous to traditional heavy metal. In their new album though I see that the band dives back into its 80’s sound in order to find inspiration and actually they manage to create an album that can be described as old school heavy/power metal and yet sound really fresh. The songs move on mid tempo rhythm but they evolve to faster tempos and I also like the oriental touch that the band added to some of the compositions here. It is obvious that Chastain draws influence from bands like BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN and JUDAS PRIEST, but he does it in his own personal way (that’s why he is considered one of the best traditional heavy metal guitarists). Leather Leone also sounds great and in a mood that you can find only in a musician that is starting her career now and once more proves that she is the singer that fits best to the music that David composes.       
CONCLUSION: The years might have passed, but for CHASTAIN this worked beneficially since they still release albums that have something to say to the heavy metal listener and “We Bleed Metal” is an album that will bring happy memories to the fans of the band and especially the ones who loved such an albums like “The Voice of the Cult”.     

Nick “Verkaim” Parastatidis

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