Τετάρτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

DIARY OF SECRETS – Back to the Start EP review

DIARY OF SECRETS – Back to the Start EP
Sleaszy Rider Records
After a year from their debut album DIARY OF SECRETS, which by the way are from my hometown Salonica, strike back with an EP. I have to admit that the band has impressed me with their debut release and the way they mix heavy riffs and melodies. On their EP “Back to the Start” the band continues on the same path as with their debut album which means that they play melodic heavy metal mixed with some thrash riffs and hard rock touches. Yes, there is pluralism and variation in their compositions which, however, never misses their point which is to entertain the audience. I think that their main characteristic is their melodies and of course their skillful playing. Their new release is once again very good and of high quality and this time they also have improved their sound production. All the compositions are very good but the ones that hit you with the first listening are the catchy “Back to the Start” and the instrumental “Paris” which is really inspired and an example of how an instrumental song should sound. Yep, I got their debut and of course I will grab this one too…
Nick “Verkaim” Parastatidis

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