Πέμπτη 18 Ιουλίου 2024

REVIEW: RISK - Hell's Animals


RISK - Hell's Animals



"Hell's Animals" released in 1989, marks a pivotal point for Risk, transitioning from their previous identity as Faithfull Breath. This shift brought a new sound, a mix of speed and thrash metal with heavy metal undertones. The album kicks off with "Monkey Business," an energetic opener that sets the tone. "Dead or Alive" and "Sicilian Showdown" keep the intensity high, while "Megalomania" stands out with its catchy riff and dynamic structure.

"The Secret of Our Destiny" is a standout track, inspired by Stephen King's “The Dark Tower” series. Its technical and progressive elements highlight the band's versatility. "Torture and Pain" brings a darker, more atmospheric vibe, showcasing Risk's ability to create varied sonic landscapes within the thrash metal framework. However, the album's crowning achievement is "Russian Nights," a track that exemplifies their skill in blending melody with aggression.

Notable musicians like Thilo Hermann, who later joined Running Wild and Grave Digger, and Roman "Romme" Keymer of Angel Dust and Crows, contribute to the album's elevated sound.

Despite the high quality of their music, Risk faced the challenge of emerging from Germany during a period when the spotlight was on American thrash bands like Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax. This geographical disadvantage limited their exposure, yet "Hell's Animals" remains a testament to their capabilities and a hidden gem for fans of the genre.

Νικόλαος Παραστατίδης

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