Δευτέρα 18 Μαΐου 2020

DEAD CONGREGATION - Promulgation of the Fall

DEAD CONGREGATION - Promulgation of the Fall

Martrydoom Productions


This is one damn brutal album, the whole way through. I'm not too familiar with this band, I actually have heard about them it's just that I've never had any of their LP's. This one is uncompromising and dark. Hence the name and album title. The music on here and the vocals are what make the band awesome. I've been listening to this one quite a few times to form an objective opinion of the album. There's quite some tempo changes but for the most part, they're somewhat slow. But not in every aspect, they seem to change it up quite often. That's what diversifies the LP. The riffs are original and catchy.

Too bad that they've not released an album since 2014. This one is really good death metal. Hence the reason for the "A-" on the rating. What's most distinguishing of this album opposed to other death metal bands are the vocals and the riffs. The music is the highlight of the album (to me). And the production quality is decent. I cannot say that I like everything about this release, it's just the music is the main pinnacle of the release. I would have to say that it's worth the 30+ minutes of listening to. They really kick ass and they're unique in their own style. I would venture to say that it's one definite good one out of 2014.

As the album progresses, it seems to pick up in the tempos. But they change it up all the time. Never know what to expect, but brutality. It's a definite underground LP. Maybe they'll start writing again amidst this pandemic we're having right now. They need to resurrect the aura of the band. It's definitely a depressing one, but invigorating at the same time! The fact that they are pretty original songwriters and came up with some sick riffs. I would imagine that the newer stuff if they come out with some is going to be even better! But yeah, a definite good album to play to quell maybe your own anger.

I got this downloaded on Spotify, it's too expensive to get the CD. At least, right now that is. I think Amazon wants over $200 for this LP. No way! It's safer to go on YouTube or Spotify. Maybe digitally download the album to show the band your support for their music. It's definitely something to have to listen to if your choice is pretty sick death metal. I'll probably e-mail the band (if available) to see if they're working on anything since their status is still active. Give this one a try, it's pretty sick and the riffs will definitely crush you and your eardrums. Check it out ASAP if you haven't already!

Ryan “Death8699” Fanucchi

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