Δευτέρα 6 Ιανουαρίου 2020


TORTURE SLAVE was formed in 1984 in Berlin/Germany and recorded four demos until 1986.Unfortunately they never released an LP.The reason for this seems to be that Berlin was not- and still is not - a hotspot for Heavy Metal in Germany or Europe. The Prussian capital featured everything, from punk, hardcore, punk, rap, electro, acid, soul ,jazz, grunge to hip hop; but Heavy metal was always living in the shadows in the 80s and 90s.A lot of stuff was released that was of questionable quality, but the latest trend is nowhere as important as in Berlin. Especially in Heavy Metal the trends are never that important as in other music genres. Good songs can convince the fans better than being a trend-setter. Today, in 2020, Torture Slave can convince us with their music; this might have helped the band to survive the trends and they are higly recommended for all fans of true German 80s Metal with good melody lines and competent musicians helping the  legacy to continue living on classic metal fans' hearts

Vocals:Michael Cloud (on Torture Slave, Master Of Hell, She's The Ghost)

Vocals:Ebo Günther (all other songs) Guιtar: Oliver Christopher Guitar: Andreas Schwichtenberg Bass: Michael Dobbertin Drums: Martin Toelkes Studio: Master production Berlin/Andreas Scholle Roady: Rock 'n' Roll Mine Music and lyrics: Torture Slave 1984-1986 Production - Coordination "Metal Fairytale" for Torture Slave: Michael Dobbertin Remastering: Michael Kusch (Qusound Studio, 2015) Cover: Excerpt of Gerry Embleton "Tamburlaine putting a city to the truth", 1941 Layout: Markus Lorenz

Andreas Digkas

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