Πέμπτη 1 Ιανουαρίου 2015

CRUIZZEN – Free Ride Review

CRUIZZEN – Free Ride

Pure Rock Records


I am really happy to see bands that I believed in and I have bought their albums to come back and sign with some serious labels. The debut album of this band “Hellrocker” was an instant love for me and I had ordered it straight from the band. Now, eight years after their debut album, CRUIZZEN are ready to blow our minds out with their new album under the title “Free Ride”. Although a long time has passed between these two albums it is like they were released very close the one another. The band has kept its genuine sound which is no other than hard rock deep rooted in the AC/DC way, but they also have some ACCEPT references like in the song “Trouble”. This is an album that can guarantee you a long period of party time and an album that you can enjoy with a couple of friends and the company of six packs. Long before AIRBORN and BULLET, CRUIZZEN have played this AC/DC influenced hard rock sound and they did it in a very creative and fresh way, as they also do it here. I think that they deserve to be noticed by the hard rock and heavy metal fans across the world.

Nick "Verkaim" Parastatidis

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